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Powerful fat-incinerating formula burns stubborn pounds while you sleep.

In Stock | 9.95€ FREE shipping on all orders

PhenQ PM is a natural weight regulating formula that optimizes all 3 stages of night-time fat-burning — so you can melt excess pounds, crush hunger cravings, and reboot your metabolism — all while you sleep.

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100% Satisfaction,
60-⁠day Money Back Guarantee

  • Torches nagging fat while you sleep†

  • Fights hunger cravings†

  • Kickstarts slow metabolism†

  • Promotes 7-9 hours of deep sleep†

“I’ve been on every diet in the world and I haven’t lost any weight. PhenQ PM is actually working. But the best part is, it has given me more energy. I take fewer naps. And I don’t eat as much sugar or crave as much sugar.”

- Linda E., Los Angeles, CA

Stuck on the hamster wheel of losing and gaining the same 20 pounds?

Here’s why…

It may seem like something is wrong with you… because no matter what you try, you’re always tired and piling on extra weight.

Well, the good news is that the problem isn’t you.

The problem is that you’re just trying to do too many things – and not giving yourself enough time to rest and sleep.

When the reality is – the more you sleep, the faster you burn that extra weight stuck around your arms, thighs, and belly.

Now you might be wondering what’s the reason behind it…

You see, when you sleep, your body goes through these 3 stages of fat-burning:

Increase in Human Growth Hormone:

This hormone not only burns more calories, but also increases muscle growth, so you can finally attain that lean, sexy body you’ve always wanted.1

Flushing Out Excess Cortisol:

Decreasing cortisol supports your body’s natural fat-melting process and helps the fat cells let go of the fat stuck inside them.

Appetite Regulation:

When you experience deep, relaxing sleep, your appetite regulating hormones work in perfect synergy to ensure you never resort to unhealthy eating the next day.

However, the real bummer is, most people NEVER reach stage 3 of sleep (known as deep sleep) to facilitate these 3 stages of night-time fat-burning.

So the HGH levels keep plummeting, cortisol keeps piling up, and hunger cravings keep increasing, leading you to pack on more and more fat.

That’s exactly why we created PhenQ PM – a one-of-a-kind all-natural formula that helps you easily slip into the deep sleep phase…

And optimizes all 3 stages of night-time fat-burning, leading to:

  • Healthy fat loss while you snooze⁠†
  • More energy that lasts the entire day⁠†
  • Less sugar and carb cravings⁠†
  • Healthier, happier mood⁠†
  • Supercharged metabolism⁠†
  • And so much more — like improved sleep, reduced stress, and decreased morning grogginess!⁠†

Try PhenQ PM today risk-free to experience refreshing fat-burning sleep and achieve healthy weight loss without slaving away at the gym or giving up your favorite treats!

Order Now

100% Satisfaction,
60-⁠day Money Back Guarantee

The First Scientifically Proven Night-Time Fat Incinerator

We formulated PhenQ PM to help you achieve your weight loss goals easily and quickly.

If you’ve tried calorie counting, low carb dieting, or intermittent fasting and NOTHING has helped you get the upper hand on your weight… PhenQ PM is going to be perfect for you!

It includes scientifically proven ingredients that work in synergy to help you experience deep sleep that supports all 3 stages of night-time fat-burning soyou can:

  • Melt off stubborn pounds from your belly, armsand thighs⁠†
  • Suppress hunger cravings and never derailyour success⁠†
  • Jumpstart your metabolism to keep your fat incinerator working at max⁠†
  • Achieve the body you’ve always dreamed of and feel more confident and attractive⁠†
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100% Satisfaction,
60-⁠day Money Back Guarantee

Experience Effortless Fat-Burning WhileYou Snooze

  • Supports Healthy Weight Loss
    Our all-natural ingredients help you easily slip into deep sleep and go through all 3 stages of night-time fat-burning so you can burn off extra pounds while you snooze.2

  • Jumpstarts Slow Metabolism
    When you experience 7-9 hours of refreshing sleep, your growth hormone levels skyrocket and cortisol levels decrease, which kickstarts your metabolism and speeds up calorie burn.3

  • Fights Hunger Cravings
    Thanks to all that refreshing, deep sleep, you’ll finally be able to fight your excess carb and sugar cravings — and stop feeling hungry all the time.4

Try us risk-free for 2 full months…

…and see a positive difference in your weight or we’ll refund your entire investment. No questions asked.

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100% satisfaction,
60-⁠day money back guarantee

Take PhenQ PM to burn fat
during the wee hours

Scientifically Formulated For Men & Women of All Ages

PhenQ PM helps you experience deep sleep and optimize all 3 stages of night-time fat-burning to rev up your metabolism while you snooze.

  • Busy Parents

    Juggling between work, home, and family can make it difficult to stick to a diet or a consistent workout routine. All that stress also prevents you from reaching the stage of fat-burning deep sleep. Well this is where PhenQ PM comes in! Its all-natural ingredients can help you easily glide into deep, calorie-burning sleep and restore your energy for the next day.

  • Overworked Individuals

    Working in a high stress environment leaves you with little-to-no time for taking care of your health – which is why you might have noticed your health and weight derailing lately. Well now you can easily take control of your weight because PhenQ PM doesn’t tie you to a time-consuming routine — and it helps you burn fat while you snooze.

  • People Over 40

    As you age, your ability to sleep deeply decreases – so your body isn’t able to go through all 3 stages of night-time fat-burning. But once you start taking PhenQ PM you’ll find it easier to experience refreshing deep sleep and kickstart your metabolism to burn calories — even when you’re resting.

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100% Satisfaction,
60-⁠day Money Back Guarantee

PhenQ PM Vs. Other Night-Time Fat Burners

  • Uses relaxing minerals and amino acids to help you fall asleep fast
  • Kickstarts your metabolism and burns calories while you snooze
  • Fights excessive cravings so you can avoid derailing your weight loss journey
  • Made with soy-free, grain-free, and safe ingredients
  • 100% satisfaction 60-day money-back guarantee with free worldwide shipping

  • Uses habit-forming melatonin which may make you groggy in the morning
  • Requires you to slave away at the gym to burn a few extra calories
  • Does not help with cravings and leaves you feeling powerless against your favorite foods
  • May be cut with soy, fillers, and excess additives
  • May not have a guarantee, or possibly a shady auto-bill enrollment
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100% satisfaction,
60-⁠day money back guarantee

Τι περιέχει το PhenQ PM;

Τα άριστης ποιότητας, φυσικά συστατικά προάγουν την καύση του λίπους ενώ κοιμάσαι.

Τα άριστης ποιότητας, φυσικά συστατικά προάγουν την καύση του λίπους ενώ κοιμάσαι.


  • L-Αργινίνη

    Ενισχύει τα επίπεδα αυξητικής ορμόνης κατά 100%, ώστε ο μεταβολισμός σου να παραμένει ξύπνιος κατά τη διάρκεια της νύχτας.5

  • L-Λυσίνη HCL

    Αυτό το αμινοξύ βοηθά στην παραγωγή της καρνιτίνης, μιας ουσίας που μετατρέπει το λίπος σε ενέργεια, επιφέροντας υγιή απώλεια βάρους και περισσότερη όρεξη για ζωή.6

  • Φαινυλαλανίνη

    Διεγείρει την έκκριση της GLP-1 που μειώνει την όρεξη και το βάρος – δρώντας σαν τα νέα θαυματουργά αδυνατιστικά φάρμακα, αλλά με πολύ μικρότερο κόστος (και χωρίς βελόνες!)17

  • L-Θεανίνη

    Το άγχος είναι ο εχθρός του αδυνατίσματος καθώς συχνά οδηγεί σε νυχτερινές λιγούρες. Η θεανίνη βοηθά τον εγκέφαλο να χαλαρώσει και να περάσει στην «κατάσταση άλφα» (παρόμοια με τον διαλογισμό), η οποία τον προετοιμάζει για βαθύ ύπνο και καύση λίπους.7

  • L-Τυροσίνη

    Αυτό το αμινοξύ είναι δομικό στοιχείο της ντοπαμίνης - της «ανταμοιβής» του εγκεφάλου, της χημικής ουσίας που σε κάνει να νιώθεις ικανοποίηση. Πολλοί άνθρωποι τρώνε υπερβολικά απλώς επειδή θέλουν την ικανοποίηση που προσφέρει η ντοπαμίνη.18


  • Χρώμιο

    Αυτό το ιχνοστοιχείο βοηθά στη διατήρηση υγιών επιπέδων σακχάρου, για να μην καταλήγεις να κάνεις επιδρομές στο ψυγείο μέσα στη νύχτα.9

  • Μολυβδαίνιο

    Αυτό το ιχνοστοιχείο υποστηρίζει τη φυσική διαδικασία αποτοξίνωσης του οργανισμού απομακρύνοντας τις βλαβερές τοξίνες που «μπλοκάρουν» τα συστήματά του, όπως και την ικανότητά του να απομακρύνει την περίσσεια κορτιζόλης.11

  • Σελήνιο

    Το σελήνιο παίζει βασικό ρόλο στην καλή λειτουργία του θυρεοειδή. Ο υγιής θυρεοειδής ρυθμίζει τον μεταβολισμό και βοηθά στη ρύθμιση του βάρους, δημιουργώντας ένα ιδανικό περιβάλλον για την καύση του λίπους.19


  • Βιοτίνη

    Γνωστή και ως βιταμίνη B7, η βιοτίνη ενισχύει τον βασικό μεταβολισμό, ώστε οι μηχανισμοί καύσης του λίπους σου να καίνε θερμίδες πυρετωδώς ενώ κοιμάσαι.10

  • Βιταμίνη B1

    Ένα απαραίτητο θρεπτικό συστατικό που μετατρέπει λίπη και υδατάνθρακες σε ενέργεια, για να καις θερμίδες στον αυτόματο πιλότο.13

  • Βιταμίνη B5

    Σε συνέργεια με τις βιταμίνες B6 και B1 κατευνάζουν το στρες, φέρνουν ηρεμία και οδηγούν το σώμα σε έναν ξεκούραστο, λιποδιαλυτικό ύπνο.15

  • Βιταμίνη B6

    Βοηθά στον μεταβολισμό του λίπους και στη μείωση της κατακράτησης - η έλλειψη μπορεί να οδηγήσει σε αύξηση της επιθυμίας για ζάχαρη.14

  • Βιταμίνη B12

    Τα χαμηλά επίπεδα B12 σχετίζονται με υψηλό κίνδυνο υπερβολικής αύξησης του βάρους, ενώ τα υψηλά επίπεδα B12 μειώνουν τον κίνδυνο παχυσαρκίας.20, 21

  • Βιταμίνη C

    Μελέτες δείχνουν ότι αυτό το πανίσχυρο ενισχυτικό του ανοσοποιητικού βοηθά στην επιτάχυνση της απώλειας λίπους ενώ παράλληλα αυξάνει την ενέργεια, για να φτάσεις στο επιθυμητό βάρος με λιγότερη προσπάθεια.12[\sup]

  • Βιταμίνη D3

    Τα χαμηλά επίπεδα βιταμίνης D σχετίζονται με την κακή διάθεση. Άσε τη βιταμίνη του ήλιου να φωτίσει τη ζωή σου προσθέτοντας επιπλέον βιταμίνη D στη μέρα σου.22

  • Φολικό Οξύ

    Πολλά άτομα με χαμηλά επίπεδα ενέργειας έχουν έλλειψη φολικού οξέος. Το σώμα σου δεν κρατά απόθεμα, οπότε αν θέλεις να δεις αποτελέσματα, πρέπει να το παίρνεις τακτικά.23[\sup]

  • Μόνο 4 κάψουλες την ημέρα

  • Βελτιστοποιεί και τα 3 στάδια της νυχτερινής καύσης λίπους

  • 100% φυσικά συστατικά

  • Μόνο 4 κάψουλες την ημέρα

  • Βελτιστοποιεί και τα 3 στάδια της νυχτερινής καύσης λίπους

  • 100% φυσικά συστατικά

Παράγγειλε τώρα

100% ικανοποίηση ή εγγύηση επιστροφής χρημάτων εντός 60 ημερών

Finally, A Weight Loss Supplement That Works While You Rest

PhenQ PM is scientifically formulated to work will you sleep – so just take four easy-to-swallow capsules 30 minutes to 1 hour before going to bed. This allows the proven ingredients to get absorbed into your body and help you experience deep sleep. As a result, you can easily achieve all 3 stages of night-time fat-burning and kickstart your metabolism!

  • All-natural
  • Dairy-free
  • Soy free
  • Gluten free
  • Zero preservatives
  • GMP-certified
  • Made in the USA
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100% Satisfaction,
60-⁠day Money Back Guarantee

Faster Weight Loss Starts With Your First Dose*

Here’s what you can expect from daily use of PhenQ PM

In The First 24 Hours

Take 4 capsules 30 minutes to 1 hour before going to bed. During this period, the all-natural ingredients locked inside the capsule will prime your body for fat-burning and deep sleep.

In Two Weeks

As your body optimizes all 3 stages of night-time fat-burning, you may begin to notice positive changes such as reduced cravings, more energy, and feeling lighter.

In 1 Month

You’ll confidently weigh yourself each morning and feel proud of the number you see. Because whatever that number is, you’re making progress. You’ve slimmed down. Your clothes have started fitting better. And you’re actually liking what you see in the mirror.

In 3 Months…
And Beyond

When you experience fat-burning deep sleep by taking PhenQ PM today!

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What To Expect With PhenQ PM

PhenQ PM helps your body achieve the stage of deep sleep, and supports all 3 stages of night-time fat-burning — which kickstarts your metabolism and burns stubborn pounds whileyou snooze…

PhenQ PM helps your body achieve the stage of deep sleep, and supports all 3 stages of night-time fat-burning — which kickstarts your metabolism and burns stubborn pounds whileyou snooze…

Without having to follow a strict workout plan or give up yourfavorite snacks.

Without having to follow a strict workout plan or give up yourfavorite snacks.

  • Sluggish Metabolism
  • Nagging Fat Around Your Belly, Arms And Thighs
  • Poor Sleep And Morning Grogginess
  • Appetite for unhealthy food
  • Zero Energy And Motivation
  • Low Self-Esteem

  • Uses relaxing minerals and amino acids to help you fall asleep fast
  • Kickstarts your metabolism and burns calories while you snooze
  • Fights excessive cravings so you can avoid derailing your weight loss journey
  • Made with soy-free, grain-free, and safe ingredients
  • 100% satisfaction 60-day money-back guarantee with free worldwide shipping

Get The Upper Hand On Your Weight

Try Us For As Low As 1⁠.⁠20⁠ ⁠€ A Day!
  • Optimizes all 3 stages of night-time fat-burning⁠†
  • Burns stubborn fat while you snooze⁠†
  • Supports fiery metabolism⁠†
  • Fights hunger cravings⁠†
  • Strengthens immune system⁠†
  • Increases energy⁠†
  • Boosts confidence⁠†
  • Try us 100% risk-free!
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Secure Your PhenQ PM Package & Save Today!

Due To Limited Stock—Only 5 Per Household

Due To Limited Stock—Only 5 Per Household

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Try It Risk Free...
It Works or You Don’t Pay!

Remember, there’s zero risk to you when you order any of the PhenQ PM packages today.

If you don’t experience any difference on the scale or any other positive health changes as promised on the page, including supercharged metabolism, decreased cravings, more energy, and improved mood… then we’ll return your money, every penny, with zero hassle.

We know the likelihood of this happening is very low, and this is why we can make such a strong guarantee.

However, if you’re not happy, then we’re not happy and we’ll do whatever it takes to make it right.

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Which PhenQ PM package is right for me?

Many of our customers that experience the best results — including improved weight loss through high-quality deep sleep — often secure the 3 month or the 6 month supply.

While a single bottle of PhenQ PM can still give you many of the slimming benefits, it’s best to continue taking PhenQ PM on a regular basis for at least 3 to 6 months because the results compound over time. So the more consistently you take PhenQ PM, the longer you’re going to sustain the weight loss results.

There’s no added risk to you by ordering more today. You are still covered by our 100%, 60-day money back guarantee, which you won’t find anywhere else.

How soon will I notice positive results?

Many of our customers have noticed positive weight loss results in as little as 2 weeks—some even see a difference in their metabolism and cravings in 7 days! However, this does not take into account diet, exercise, and proper nutrition.

But what we can say is that with consistent use of PhenQ PM, you can begin to feel and see a noticeable change in your weight, mood, and overall health within 60 days of purchase — or we’ll return your money without hassle.

What makes PhenQ PM better than other weight loss supplements?

Not all weight loss supplements are created equally. Other formulas only help with burning calories post-workout or require you to follow a strict diet and give up on all of your favorite snacks, when this is not sustainable in the long run.

That’s why you might even feel like something is wrong with you… and no matter what you try, you’re always tired and piling on extra weight. 

Well, the good news is that the problem isn’t you. 

The problem is that you’re just trying to do too many things at once – and not giving yourself enough time to rest and sleep. 

When the reality is – the more you sleep, the faster you burn that extra weight stuck around your arms, thighs, and belly. 

Now you might be wondering what’s the reason behind it…

When you sleep, your body goes through these 3 stages of fat-burning: 

Stage #1 – Increase in Human Growth Hormone: 

This hormone not only burns more calories but also increases muscle growth so you can finally attain that lean, sexy body you’ve always wanted.

Stage #2 — Flushing Out Excess Cortisol: 

Decreasing cortisol supports your body’s natural fat-melting process and helps the fat cells let go of the excess fat stuck inside them.

Stage #3 – Appetite Regulation: 

When you experience deep, relaxing sleep, your appetite regulating hormones work in perfect synergy to ensure you never resort to unhealthy eating the next day.

However, the real bummer is, most people NEVER reach stage 3 of sleep known as deep sleep to facilitate these 3 stages of night-time fat-burning.

So the HGH levels keep plummeting, cortisol keeps piling up, and hunger cravings keep increasing, leading you to pack on more and more fat. 

That’s exactly why we created PhenQ PM – a one-of-a-kind all-natural formula that helps you easily slip into the deep sleep phase… 

And optimizes all 3 stages of night-time fat-burning… promoting healthy fat loss – without having you follow strict workouts or diets.

What’s inside thePhenQ PM formula?

Unlike some weight loss supplements, we are completely transparent about what goes into our formula. We only use 100% natural and safe ingredients and you can view all of these on our website. You can also view the PhenQ PM product label below to see exactly what's inside PhenQ PM.

Πατήστε δύο φορές για μεγέθυνση

Is PhenQ PM safe?

Yes! PhenQ PM is made with natural and science-backed ingredients, and is entirely safe, with no known side effects. We recommend consulting with your professional health physician before starting any health regimen.

How do I take PhenQ PM?

For best results, we recommend taking just 4 easy-to-swallow capsules of PhenQ PM with a glass of water 30 minutes to 1 hour before bed. 

Then repeat the process every night for the next several months to ensure you can easily slip into deep sleep and burn fat while you snooze.

What if I’m not satisfied with my weight loss results while taking PhenQ PM?

We always recommend trying out our 3-month and 6-month package of PhenQ PM to give it a fair chance at providing the slimming benefits guaranteed on this page.

However, if you are unhappy with your results by taking PhenQ PM on a daily basis, then you may return your order within 60 days of purchase for a full refund.

We know that by taking PhenQ PM every day, as part of your health routine, you may begin to experience positive benefits almost immediately.

We also understand no two people are the same. That’s why we’re confident in extending our 60-day money back guarantee on every order of PhenQ PM.

So if you are not satisfied with your overall weight loss efforts, then return your order within 60 days of purchase and we’ll refund your investment, every cent, and we’ll part as friends with no hurt feelings.

With less than a 2% return rate, it is highly unlikely you won’t become a raving fan of PhenQ PM’s incredible ability to help you achieve the figure you deserve.

But again, if you are not happy, then we are not happy, and that’s why we will return your investment with zero hassle.

Is my credit cardinformation safe?

Yes! We process all of our orders through a safe, encryption payment processing system. We do not have access to your credit card information, nor do we have the ability to store your credit card information.

After I place my order,how soon will I receivemy package?

If you live in the United States or the United Kingdom, your order should arrive within 5 business days.

If you live in Australia, Canada or France your order should arrive within 10 business days.

Looking for shipping somewhere else? We plan on launching in more countries soon.

Where can I buy PhenQ PM?

You can buy PhenQ PM directly on this page. Our checkout process is fast, simple, and secure.

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100% satisfaction,
60-⁠day money back guarantee

⁠†The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional prior to beginning any diet or exercise program or taking any dietary supplement. The content on our website is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or to replace a relationship with a qualified healthcare professional.

Trusted Scientific Sources:

1Takahashi, Y., Kipnis, D. M., & Daughaday, W. H. (1968). Growth hormone secretion during sleep. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 47(9), 2079–2090. https://doi.org/10.1172/jci105893

2Takahashi, Y., Kipnis, D. M., & Daughaday, W. H. (1968). Growth hormone secretion during sleep. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 47(9), 2079–2090. https://doi.org/10.1172/jci105893

3Vijayakumar, A., Yakar, S., & LeRoith, D. (2011). The Intricate Role of Growth Hormone in Metabolism. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 2(32). https://doi.org/10.3389/fendo.2011.00032

4June 4, E. on, & 2018. (n.d.). Improved sleep quality may help reduce junk food cravings and night-time snacking. Diabetes. Retrieved September 7, 2022, from https://www.diabetes.co.uk/news/2018/jun/improved-sleep-quality-may-help-reduce-junk-food-cravings-and-night-time-snacking-93584914.html

5Kanaley, J. A. (2008). Growth hormone, arginine and exercise. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, 11(1), 50–54. https://doi.org/10.1097/mco.0b013e3282f2b0ad

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